Difference between Rural Poor and Urban Poor - Teachoo.JPG

Poor in Rural Areas vs Poor in Urban Areas

1. Poor in Rural Areas

They have no or very little lands

They either work as landless laborer's or as tenant cultivators

They also do lot of non agricultural jobs in villages like rearing sheep or livestock


2. Urban Poor

Many poor from villages migrate to cities during off season

They work as laborer's at construction sites

Many of them also are self employed and sell vegetables and fruits at road side or work as rickshaw pullers

Different Type of Landless Labour in Rural Areas - Teachoo.JPG

Different Works of Rural Poor - Teachoo.JPG



2. Urban Poor

Many poor from villages migrate to cities during off season

They work as laborer's at construction sites

Many of them also are self employed and sell vegetables and fruits at road side or work as rickshaw pullers

Who are Urban poor,How rural poor migrate to become urban poor - Teachoo.JPG


NCERT Questions

Question 9

Illustrate the difference between rural and urban poverty.

Is it correct to say that poverty has shifted from rural to urban areas?

Use the trends in poverty ratio to support your answer.

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Different Types of Poor Rural Poor Urban Poor Poor living in Villages They work as Landless Labour Do sheap Rearing Handicraft Poultry They work as Labour in Construction Sites Sells Fruits, Vegetables etc Operate Rickshaw Sell Tea and Snacks Different Type of Landless Labour in Rural Areas Option 1 Rich Farmer Gives Land to Poor Farmer on Rent Land Gives Rent Rich Farmer Has Land Poor Farmer No Land Option 2 Rich Farmer Employs poor Farmer to work for Him Rich Farmer Poor Farmer Labour Service Wages Poor Farmer Rural Areas Rich Farmer Gives Land to Poor Farmer on Rent Rich Farmer Gives Land to Poor Farmer on Rent Rich Farmer Has Land Poor Farmer No Land Rich Farmer Employs poor Farmer to work for Him Rich Farmer Employs Poor Farmer Poor Farmer Works for him Different Work of Rural Poor Landless Labour (Farming) Sheep Rearing Handicrafts Poultry Who are Urban Poor Rural Poor come to cities during off season and become urban poor Rural Poor Work in Villages Farms Main Work at the time of Sowing Seeds, Cutting Crops During Remaining period Not much work Migrate to Cities (Become Urban poor) They work as Construction Labour Vegetable Seller Road side Vendors

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo