It is a system of tiny tubes called lymph vessels and lymph nodes in the human body which transport lymph from the body tissues to the blood circulatory system .

The lymphatic system consists of the following parts: 


Lymph capillaries:

Lymph capillaries are tiny tubes present in the whole body.

  • They are close ended and have bigger pores in their walls than blood capillaries.
  • Since the ends of the capillaries are closed, the tissue fluid seeps into the capillary walls through the holes
  • Due to their bigger size, larger molecules can enter the capillaries as well.

Larger lymph vessels:

  • The lymph capillaries join to form lymph vessels.
  • The vessels have lymph nodes at regular intervals.
  • The lymph are connected to the larger veins of the circulatory system.

Lymph nodes:

  • The lymph nodes contain a special type of cell called lymphocytes.
  • Lymphocytes clean the lymph and protect the body from disease. They are a type of WBCs.
  • They eat the germs and dead cells and make antibodies.


Lymph is a light yellow fluid somewhat similar in composition to blood plasma.

  • It contains protein molecules and digested food , which comes from the tissue fluid between the cells.
  • It also contains germs from cells and fragments of dead cells.
  • It is a medium of circulation in the body but it flows only from the body tissues to the heart.
  • It is called extracellular fluid.

Functions of the lymphatic system:

  • Takes part in the nutrition process by circulating proteins from the tissue to the bloodstream.
  • Protects the body by killing germs and making antibodies
  • Helps in removing waste products like fragments of dead cells etc.


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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo