In the following ray diagram, the correctly marked  angle are: 


(a) ∠i and ∠e

(b) ∠A and ∠D

(c) ∠i, ∠e and ∠D

(d) ∠r, ∠A and ∠D





  • Angle of incidence is the angle between incident ray and normal.
    Here, angle of incidence is not with normal .   It is marked incorrectly

  • Angle of refraction is the angle between refracted ray and normal.
    So, here angle of incidence is angle r. So, it is marked correct


  • Angle of emergence is the angle between emergent ray and normal.
    Here, angle of emergence is not with normal .   It is marked incorrectly

  • Angle of deviation is the angle between emergent ray and incident ray (when produced backwards).
    So, here angle of incidence is angle D. So, it is marked correct


  • Angle of prism is the vertex angle of the prism.
    Here, it is angle A. It is marked correct

So, the correct answer is (b) -  ∠A and ∠D

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo