Mixtures are of 2 types:

  1. Homogeneous Mixtures
  2. Heterogeneous Mixtures


What are Homogeneous Mixtures?

  • Homogeneous Mixtures are those in which different substances are completely mixed together.
  • This means they have uniform composition throughout.
  • It is difficult to distinguish different substances from each other
  • We are able to see different particles in a homogeneous mixture clearly



If we mix salt in water and stir it with a spoon, it forms a homogeneous mixture

We are not able to see salt particles separately from mixture



What are Heterogeneous Mixtures?

  • It is a mixture which has physically distinct parts   (different particles of mixture are easily visible)
  • Such mixtures have non uniform composition throughout the mixture
  • We are able to recognize individual particles by looking at a mixture


Example 1

Mixture of Oil and Water is a heterogeneous Mixture

We are able to see oil and water clearly separately in the mixture


Example 2

Mixture of Salt (Sodium Chloride) and Iron filings is a heterogeneous mixture

The particles of salt and Iron filings can be seen and distinguished easily



Difference between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous mixtures


Homogeneous Mixture

Heterogeneous Mixture

Individual components of mixture cannot be seen and distinguished easily

Individual components of mixture can be seen and distinguished easily.

They may or may not have a variable composition

(Different Particles may be in same or different ratio throughout the mixture)

They have a variable composition

(Different Particles are in different ratio throughout the mixture)


Mixture of Salt and Water


Mixture of Salt and Iron Filings


Note - Heterogeneous and homogeneous mixture may be a Matter of Scale

It means that a mixture may look homogeneous from a distance

But if we look closely with help of  a microscope, it may appear to be heterogeneous mixture

(We may be able to identify individual component clearly)


Example - Blood may look homogeneous but if we examine it with help of  a microscope, we may be able to identify individual components


Types of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Mixtures


  • Type of Homogeneous Mixture - Solution
  • Types of Heterogeneous Mixture - Suspension & Colloid



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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo