- Mixtures are formed by mixing of 2 or more substances without chemical combination
- These substances may be elements or compounds
- A mixture has variable composition ; the ratio of 2 or more substances may not be same
A mixture
shows properties of constituent substances
Example : Sugar in Water is a mixture, Air is mixture of Oxygen, Nitrogen
- Sugar in water is a mixture. We can add any amount of sugar in a glass of water, and call the resultant a mixture.
- The amount of either of the things doesn't matter.
- The property of the mixture is the same as that of the constituents sugar and water.
Activity to Show Preparation (and Properties) of a Mixture
- Take some Iron filings and Sand
- Mix and crush them
- Bring a magnet near the mixture
- We see that Iron fillings get attracted to it
This means that it is a mixture as it still shows properties of Iron (to be attracted by a magnet)
Also, the mixture can be separated using physical methods like magnetic separation .