Why is ice at 273 K more effective in cooling than water at the same temperature?



Ice at 273K (or 0° C) is solid while water at 273K (or 0° C) is a liquid. 

When both the substances, at 273K, are used for cooling, ice is more effective than water. 


This is because ice is a solid when it absorbs heat, it is used for two things

  1. For changing its state from solid to water 
  2. To increase its temperature from 0°C / 273K


Whereas on the other hand, water is a liquid, when it absorbs heat it is used 

  1. To increase its temperature from 0°C / 273K


Thus, we can conclude that ice at 0°C / 273K consumes more heat than water at 0°C / 273K. 


Hence, ice at 273 K is more effective in cooling than water at the same temperature.


So, to summarise

Ice Water
Ice absorbs heat to change it's state from solid to water Water absorbs heat to increase it's temperature from 0 °C
And Ice absorbs heat to increase it's temperature from 0 °C  


Note :

Cooling effect is observed due to loss of heat to the surroundings.

The more heat is absorbed, the more cooling effect takes place

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo