Ex 4.3, 7 - Yamini and Fatima, two students of Class IX - Forming Equations and drawing graph

Ex 4.3, 7 - Chapter 4 Class 9 Linear Equations in Two Variables - Part 2
Ex 4.3, 7 - Chapter 4 Class 9 Linear Equations in Two Variables - Part 3

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Question 7 Yamini and Fatima, two students of Class IX of a school, together contributed Rs 100 towards the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund to help the earthquake victims. Write a linear equation which satisfies this data. (You may take their contributions as Rs x and Rs y.) Draw the graph of the same. Let amount contributed by Yamini = Rs x and amount contributed by Fatima = Rs y Given Total amount = 100 x + y = 100 So, we need to draw the graph of x + y =100 To draw the graph, we need at least two solutions of the equation. Putting x = 0 , 0 + y =100 y = 100 So, (0,100) is a solution of the equation Putting y = 0 , x + 0 =100 x = 100 So, (100,0) is a solution of the equation Plotting points

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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science and Computer Science at Teachoo